Paul Vandenbergh



I am a proud Aboriginal man from Wirrangu country on the West Coast of SA. My upbringing on the Far West Coast drove my passion for making change and a difference to the lives of Aboriginal young people in metropolitan, regional and remote areas of SA. My long-term aim is to instil confidence, a sense of identity, pride in language and country, and long term positive education, health and well-being outcomes for Aboriginal young people. I believe that having a stable home is the platform for Aboriginal people to be in a position to achieve and we have seen amazing results when given the opportunity, the tools and the right environment that we can achieve anything.

Having good strong sustainable partnerships can lead to self-determination, a healthier life that is full of choices, further education opportunities and most importantly a meaningful long-term career.

I was a keen sportsperson, however throughout my sporting career l worked and studied in Aboriginal affairs and have an abundance of experience in leadership, consultation and liaison roles that continues to drive me today to become better and to be the change I wish to see in the world for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. I spent 16 years within various government agencies in the public service, working for Aboriginal housing, health and education and managed a number of programs including the metropolitan and country housing program, as well as the Aboriginal Community Housing program that manages the remote and non-remote Aboriginal community housing program in SA.

I am currently the Director, Aboriginal Programs with the Port Adelaide Football Club and have been with the Club since 2010 designing, managing and delivering our Aboriginal programs. We have been acknowledged by the AFL and corporate Australia in leading the industry for our programs and are very proud on the work we are delivering in metropolitan, regional and remote SA & NT. Recently I have been approached by the AFL and the CEO of PAFC to undertake studies that will enhance my experiences and allow me to continue to grow and become a future leading in the Industry. I have always believed I was a leading among my people (Aboriginal) but only recently acknowledged my leadership also extends to non-Aboriginal staff and people I am associated with.
